VIB architecture
Over the years, VIB architecture has acquired serious experience in the design and build of multiple projects, such as offices, residential, research centers, educational or cultural facilities throughout France, in places like Paris, Versailles, Toulouse, Caen, Bordeaux or Strasbourg….
Our office first appeared on the international radar in 2005 when awarded the Prix de la 1ere oeuvre by the Moniteur, for the Neuroimagery research center built in Caen and when we received signifcant attention from the architectural press.
Our Paris based multicultural team comprises around twenty architects. Depending on project programs and complexity, we can expand our design team with specialists and partners with expertise in landscaping, engineering, economy, acoustic, scenography – that fit our creative and sustainable way of design.
The partners
DOB: 04/01/1972
Graduated from the Technische Universität Braunschweig in 1999, with a degree in engineering and architecture.
Bettina Ballus was born in Germany and started studying at the Technische Universität Braunschweig in 1991 until 1995 when she spent a year at the la Villette Architecture School in Paris. She graduated back in Germany in 1999 but having lived many years just across the border, decided to make her dream come true and moved to Paris. Her professional experience led her to Jacques Ripault or Jean-Paul Viguier’s offices, where she grew a sense for creation and for managing large projects. She worked to design, develop and construct several buildings in France and abroad, in various fields – cultural, academics, medical, commercial, residential, offices, large scale tours.
Bettina has been involved in the office since 2001 and has taken the firm to a new level of professionalization, thanks to her unique sense of design, project management and sustainable engineering.
Background :
2013 Created vib architecture.
2006 Jean-Paul Viguier architecture and urbanism – Project manager.
2001 Partnership with Franck Vialet.
1999 Architectural workshop Ripault Duhart – Project manager.
1999 Schulitz Architekten, Braunschweig.
1998 WES LandschaftsArchitektur, Hambourg.
1996 Academy of Trades, Rehabilitation & Preservation of Historical Monuments,
1996 Raesfeld Castle.
1994 Institute for Building Services and Energy Design,
Technische Universität Braunschweig.
1991 Peter Gross Bau, St. Ingbert.
Education :
2010 Sustainable building development : standards HQE, H&E, BBC…
2009 Handicap-accessible building design.
2009 Construction – rehabilitation: key steps to project development.
2008 Financial engineering for property development project.
1999 Diplôme d’Ingénierie en Architecture (summa cum laude)
1999 Université technique de Braunschweig (Allemagne).
1995/96 Etudes à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture
1996 de Paris la Villette.
© photo : Patrice Quillet
DOB: 12/23/1969
Graduated in Architecture from Sydney’s University / B.Sc.Arch.(1991) and from the Ecole d’architecture de Versailles in 1998.
Franck took advantage of a long stay in Australia to get his HSC/A levels/Baccalaureate and started studying architecture. He first graduated from Sydney’s University in 1991, but promising European perspective decided him to move back to France the same year. He went on studying with Olivier Girard at the architectural School of Versailles where he completed his degree in 1998. Before the end of his curriculum, he was noticed on the architectural scene by winning a design competition and constructing a Peace Memorial in Val de Rueil, with Dominique Jakob and Brendan MacFarlane. Over the years, Franck worked with Jean Nouvel and François Seigneur. He teamed up with Bettina Ballus in 2001 and founded Vialet Architecture in 2002.
Background :
2013 Vialet architecture becomes vib architecture.
2009 Maître-Assistant Associé – Teaches project design at l’Ecole Nationale
2009 Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles.
2004 Teaches design at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture
2004 de Versailles.
2002 Creation of Vialet Architecture.
2001 Partnership with Bettina Ballus.
2000 Co-fonding member of the SOaP design group with B/NT.
2000 Operating Paris office for François Seigneur & Sylvie de la Dure.
1999 Jean Nouvel offices.
1998 Ripault Duhart Architectural studios.
1994 Winning design with Jakob & MacFarlane for a Memory & Peace Monument in Val de Reuil. Built in 1996.
1998 Architect DPLG – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de
1998 Versailles.
1991 Bachelor of Science in Architecture – Université de Sydney.