Site :
Villetaneuse (93)
Client :
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Assisted by :
Bim process :
Main Architect :
VIB architecture
Engineers :
Environmental consultant :
BIM Management :
Atelier Juno
Surface :
6 000m²
Construction cost :
16 M€
3D :
© IDA+
Mars 2024
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Winner – In construction.
MathSTIC and new entry to the University | Villetaneuse (93)
Certification Durable Francilien building (BDF)
Construction of the MathSTIC (Math and computer sciences départements ans laboratories) for Paris Sorbonne Nord University 13, including creation of the new north entry to the campus, close to the tramway. The projet uses virtuous solutions, bio-sourced, recyclables et low carbon materials. The whole team including TPFI and OASIIS is very happy to study this new project with Epaurif et University.
The project benefits from a new innovative and collaborative BIM process, coordinated by CSTB, wich offers automatic program verification throughout the entire life cycle of the building : « BIM Program ».

We use many renewable and bio-materials.

BIM program