Housing on Caen’s peninsula | Construction’s going ahead
Lot1 Caen Presqu'île - 53 apartments, 25 social housing are being constructed, with 6 commercial [...]
Lot1 Caen Presqu'île - 53 apartments, 25 social housing are being constructed, with 6 commercial [...]
As part of the exhibition Architect@Work, the studio has been awarded second place for the prize [...]
This octobre, Silos 13 is in : Mark Magazine n°52, "Vib Architecture takes to tubes", [...]
Our entry for the Neurosciences project for CEA in Saclay. Images : ©Ida+ The goals of the [...]
HD Video made during construction of the Silos 13 project by IDTVdECO for CIMENTS CALCIA. The 4 minutes [...]
Our people speak a lot of languages in the office but we decided for English [...]
The Ensicaen phase we're constructing concerns a building for laboratories and offices to house two research units with very [...]
©Stéphane Chalmeau Manuel Valls, french prime minister, and Geneviève Fioraso, secretary of state, [...]
Of all the projects we have under way, silos 13, built for Semapa and soon used [...]
RIVP called this morning ! vib wins design competition for Audition Institute, Agir pour l'Audition, on [...]